RC Helicopter History - 1983
January 83
Magazine pages and notes
Mini-Boy Revue - Build and flying review from Radio Modeller.
Helipad - Helicopter column in Radio Modeller by John Heaton;
General Info
February 83
Magazine pages and notes
Helipad - Helicopter column in Radio Modeller by John Heaton;
General Info
March 83
John Heaton and Dave Nieman adverts.
Worlds first turbine aircraft.
Why an aircraft in a helicopter website??? First a fully functional model size turbine, no helicopter application as it use pure directional thrust. This was then followed by the development into a turbo prop engine; a mixture of jet and propeller power; still biased toward thrust for flight. However, from this further development into a turbine with power take off i.e. jet thrust is minimal and only a minor by product; now this development was definitely biased to providing power to a propeller and as such was eminently suitable to driving a helicopter rotor.
Helipad - Helicopter column in Radio Modeller by John Heaton;
General Info
April 83
Dave Nieman and Hirobo Petrol Bell_47G2
Introduction of Kalt 60_Baron
Release advert
Morley Hughes 300 Mk3 mechanics.
Helipad - Helicopter column in Radio Modeller by John Heaton;
Hovering About - Helicopter column in RCM&E by Jim Morley
General Info
May 83
First issue cover from the first helicopter specific magazine Radio Control Helicopters, plus introduction from editor Colin Cameron-Tough.
Dave Neiman adverts for both Hirobo Falcons, the new 555 and 808 plus the KKK Hughes 300
MacGregor advert for the Ishimasa Playboy.
BRCHA advert to join the British Radio Controlled Helicopter Association.
Schlüter adverts from Jack Williams (UK distributor) and Miniature_Aircraft (USA distributor).
Noted from the above Jack Williams advert of pre-release information for later in the summer of the model to be known as the Schlüter Superior. Note in the Miniature_Aircraft advert there are full details of the conversion to superior spec for the Heli-Boy.
For 1983 the GMP Competitor was available with side panels for smoother aerobatics.
Kalt 60 baron basic description and info on flying in Japan.
Photo review of visit to Japan by Dave Nieman; expanded info below on a number of items.
Hirobo Vertol prototype 1983 however it was not until 1988 that the model would finally be released.
New release, the KKK Robinson R22 HB with Flybarless rotor head and for glow or petrol engines.
Interesting article from John Griffith of Slough Models on computer control of a model helicopter; way ahead of its time as it turned out.
UK results of a number of competitions and pilots with the Hirobo Falcon 808 or 808EX were taking the winning positions; obviously the UK 'must have' model for 1983.
Dave Nieman Models Hirobo adverts and introduction of the new Hirobo Falcon 555.
My love of Helicopters - Regular article by Walt in the magazine Radio Control Helicopters, Part one - Dieter Schlüter and the Cobra.
Helipad - Helicopter column in Radio Modeller by John Heaton;
Morley Mk3 Hughes 300 development - Article covering prototypes and design philosophy of Morley's latest scale helicopter for 40 size engines.
June 83
Dave Nieman King size JetRanger based on Hirobo mechanics with modified gear ratios and 'Flymo' engine.
Helipad - Helicopter column in Radio Modeller by John Heaton;
UAV (unmanned Ariel vehicle) photo from Helipad above; interesting to see what thirty years can do from science to 'toys' and better (2013 multi-rotor article).
Hovering About - Helicopter column in RCM&E by Jim Morley
General Info
July 83
Results Round up - Woburn (UK) - AMA Nationals.
Helipad - Helicopter column in Radio Modeller by John Heaton;
General Info
August 83
Kalt Heavy Lift helicopter seen at Slough models UK fly-in; no other details held.
Results Round up - Ugbrooke House Fly-in (UK) - UK Nationals - Winthorpe (UK).
Helipad - Helicopter column in Radio Modeller by John Heaton;
Hovering About - Helicopter column in RCM&E by Jim Morley
General Info
September 83
Eurocup 1983
Eurocup winner Ewald Heim
Colin and Len Bliss
Len Mount.
Eurocup review from Radio Modeller and Review from Radio Controlled helicopters plus the flying Schedule.
Ewalds Bell_222 and also Personal Review of his helicopter flying experiences.
Hirobo Bell AH-1S Kit review & Build review - Articles from Radio Controlled helicopters.
Full size pictures and Profile of Albert Heyche and his helicopter experiences.
Review of '20' size helicopters available late 1983.
Cricket review by Colin Cameron-Smith from 1983 Radio Controlled helicopters.
My love of Helicopters - Regular article by Walt in the magazine Radio Control Helicopters, Part two - learning to fly the Cobra and single stick transmitter.
Results Round up - Schlüter Cup (Germany).
General info
October 83
Vago Nordigan and film flying in 1982.
Hovering About - Helicopter column in RCM&E by Jim Morley
Morley Hughes 300 introduction of the head upgrade kit to incorporate Bell-Hiller mixing for increased cyclic response.
General Info
November 83
Kavan navigation lights for extra scale detail.
December 83
Circus models (USA) advert.
Jack Williams (UK) advert.
Schlüter USA advert. Note the subscription for the new Helicopter magazine which is obviously Radio Controlled helicopters as Walt Schoonard (MA) was a contributing author.
Advert and KKK Robinson R22 HB review - Build and flying review by Colin Cameron-Tough from Dec 1983 Radio Control Helicopters.
Sikorsky VS-300 review of model built by Sam Newhouse and based on Kavan Alouette mechanics.
Heim 1983 adverts etc and notification of continued first places in competitions of the StarRanger model.
Slough Models Mini-JetRanger fuselage for the Kalt 20_Baron.
December 1983 article covering John Simone Jr's film flying and the soon to be released Blue Thunder helicopter from American RC_Helicopters Inc.
My love of Helicopters - Regular article by Walt in the magazine Radio Control Helicopters, part three - getting better.
Hovering About - Helicopter column in RCM&E by Jim Morley and also part one of Copter comprehension.
General Info
Introduced in 1983
Hirobo Falcon 555 -
Mini-Star Hughes